Before starting this journey through one of the entrance doors of the Peneda Gerês National Park, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about the Municipality of Arcos de Valdevez .
What to visit in Arcos de Valdevez?

Giela Castle
The first point of visit to Arcos de Valdevez, and without a doubt a must-see, is the "Paço de Giela" (Giela Castle), an old castle and also a stately home.
In this monument and museum you will learn more about Arcos de Valdevez and its history, including the reason for the slogan "Arcos de Valdevez, where Portugal was made!".
Before visiting Giela Castle, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Rio Vez Museum
On the left bank of the Vez River, there is an interpretive center that is the starting point for a visit to the Vez River Open-Air Water Museum, as the museum itself is the entire bank of the Vez River, where there are information boards and observatories so you can admire nature in its purest state.
Before visiting the Rio Vez Museum, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Valdevez Museum
The Valdevez Museum is an essential point of visit when visiting Arcos de Valdevez, as it chronologically reports important events that occurred in Arcos de Valdevez, such as the Valdevez Tournament, the Restoration War, Prehistory, Romanization, among others, as well as providing interpretations of historical points of Arcos de Valdevez, such as the Extremo Forts, the Castle of Santa Cruz, the Pedrada Roman Camp among others...
Before visiting the Valdevez Museum, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Himalaya Museum
The Himalaya Museum is a science center dedicated to the scientist Father Himalaya (born in Arcos de Valdevez).
At this point of visit you can carry out scientific experiments and activities, see exhibitions and learn about Father Himalaya and his works.
Before visiting the Himalaya Museum, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about them.

Baroque Interpretation Center
The Baroque Interpretation Centre is without a doubt one of the most interesting places to visit in Arcos de Valdevez.
At this point of visit you will get lost in the various details linked to Baroque art.
Before visiting the Baroque Interpretive Center, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Water Clock
The Water Clock is located in the historic center of Arcos de Valdevez, and as its name suggests, it is a "large" clock that marks the hours through water fountains.
This photo point has a kind of "pulpit" in its center that allows visitors to stand up and take photographs to remember later.

Central Confectionery
"Doçaria Central" (Central Confectionery), located in the historic center of Arcos de Valdevez, is the most popular place to visit for those who love sweets, as it was in this confectionery that "Charutos dos Arcos" (traditional candy) and "Rebuçados dos Arcos" (traditional candy) were created.
Before visiting the Central Confectionery, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Arcos Bridge
Located in the historic center and under the River Vez, the "Ponte dos Arcos" (Arcos Bridge) is an icon linked to the genes of this town and its people, and is also the origin of its name "Arcos de Valdevez".
Due to its importance, vehicles are currently prohibited from passing through.

Valdevez Tournament Monument
The Valdevez Tournament Monument, located in the historic center, known by the people of Arcos de Valdevez as "Horses without Legs", is the artistic reconstruction of the medieval event that took place in Arcos de Valdevez of great historical importance.
According to what the natives say, the horses are without legs due to the water from the Vez River or the dust that covered them.

St. Cruz Castle
If you want to have a panoramic view over the Vez Valley, you can climb up to the St. Cruz Castle, a granite outcrop that was used in 1141 by D. Afonso Henriques to defend himself from D. Afonso VII, and in the 17th century, namely in the Restoration War, as a rearguard castle.
Before visiting St. Cruz Castle, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Cabrão River Waterfall
Southwest of Arcos de Valdevez, the Cabrão River Waterfall is a fantastic place to visit for those who enjoy seeing a powerful waterfall.

Penouços Swing
When visiting the Cabrão River Waterfall you can also visit the Penouços Swing which is nearby.
At this photo point you will have a panoramic view over the Lima River valley.

Miranda Forest
The Miranda Forest is without a doubt one of the most enchanting natural spots in Arcos de Valdevez.
In this forest you will find various species of trees native to this region, mostly deciduous.

Miranda Castle
Miranda Castle is a granite outcrop from which you can see a large part of Arcos de Valdevez, through its viewpoint.

Extremo Forts
The Forts of Extremo are 2 forts alluding to the Restoration War (Bragandelo and Pereira), which were probably defense structures at one of the crossing points to the Vez River valley (Portela do Extremo), located north of Arcos de Valdevez.
Before visiting the Forts of Extremo, through this link, you should read and learn a little more about them.

Soajo Village
Due to its importance and diversity of places to visit, we have dedicated an article just to Soajo Village.

Sistelo Village
Known as "Portuguese Tibet", due to its importance and diversity of places to visit, we dedicate an article just to the village of Sistelo .

Peneda Village
Located in the heart of the Peneda Gerês National Park, Peneda Village is already an ancient visiting point, motivated by the many pilgrims who traveled on foot to worship at the Peneda Sanctuary.
Nearby, you can also visit the Tibo Viewpoint and the São Bento do Cando village.

Ecovia de Ermelo
Ecovia de Ermelo (hiking trail) is a flat ecovia, approximately 5km long on the right bank of the Lima River.
Without a doubt a walk of peace.
Before visiting Ecovia de Ermelo , through this link, you should read and learn a little more about it.

Ecovia do Vez
With an extension of approximately 32km, the Ecovia do Vez (hiking trail) runs along the Vez River valley from north to south of the municipality.
This eco-route is divided into 3 stages, and is mostly on wooden walkways, dirt paths and cobbled paths.
Find out more about Ecovia do Vez at this link.
Arcos de Valdevez is much more...
However, the main points of interest in Arcos de Valdevez are listed here.